Hi, this is version 1.0 of the Fitness Tests. This program is shareware. If you like it a nominal registration fee is required for further use. You are granted license to copy The Fitness Tests as long as you distribute the program "as is" with all files intact. Files that should be on this disk: Fittest.Exe - The main program Fittest.Ovr - Used by Fittest.exe Bfest - doc used by Fittest Cardio - doc used by Fittest Hello - doc used by Fittest Strength - doc used by Fittest Flexi - doc used by Fittest Ginfo - doc used by Fittest Intro - doc used by Fittest Keyhelp - doc used by Fittest Thetests - doc used by Fittest Whyreg - doc used by Fittest Readme.Doc - This File Start the program by typing Fittest. The manual may be read online by pressing